jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

Blood bubbles promise new treatments for brain disease

SCUBA divers are all too aware of the danger of bubbles of air forming in the blood. The bends can be lethal. But bubbles in the bloodstream are not always a bad thing. Much smaller bubbles can be used to deliver drugs, help prevent damage from stroke and even open up the blood-brain barrier, a discovery that could lead to new treatments for diseases of the brain.
A few decades ago, researchers discovered by chance that "microbubbles" of air in the blood made ultrasound images clearer and brighter. Now a group of researchers who call themselves "the bubble community" are finding new roles for these bubbles.
Ultrasound applied to microbubbles in the blood causes them to oscillate, which appears to boost the uptake of drugs and gene therapies into nearby cells, though how this works is unclear. "The theory is that the bubbles are stimulating natural uptake mechanisms," says Eleanor Stride at University College London. "Exactly which mechanisms, we're not sure."
Ultrasound applied to microbubbles in the blood boosts the local uptake of drugs and gene therapies
Stride's team has enhanced this effect by adding magnetic nanoparticles to the microbubbles. The group injected mice with a solution containing a gene for bioluminescence, and a suspension of bubbles, before magnetically dragging the bubbles to one lung and applying ultrasound there.
Three days later, the team found bioluminescence only in the target lung, confirming that the gene hadn't been expressed elsewhere. The findings were presented at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Ultrasonics Conference in San Diego, California, last month.
Even more surprising is the microbubbles' ability to open the blood-brain barrier - a blockade that stops large molecules, including many drugs, getting from the bloodstream into the brain. "If you expose the blood-brain barrier to bubbles and ultrasound, you can temporarily and reversibly enhance its permeability, which is potentially very interesting for a lot of brain treatments," says Stride.
Oscillating microbubbles could also be useful in stroke therapy. Christy Holland at the University of Cinncinnati in Ohio and her colleagues have been developing different types of bubbles to treat stroke in rats. In their latest project, the group filled microbubbles with xenon - a gas known to protect brain cells from dying and improve blood flow, but difficult to administer. They found that rats treated with xenon-filled bubbles after a stroke had smaller areas of brain damage than untreated rats (CirculationDOI: 10.1161/circulationaha.109.879338).
Other groups have started trialling microbubbles in people. Andrei Alexandrovat the University of Alabama in Birmingham and his team treated stroke patients within 3 hours of stroke onset with one of three doses of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) - used to break down clots - with or without microbubbles and ultrasound.
Of those on the middle tPA dose with microbubbles and ultrasound, 67 per cent had restored blood flow within 2 hours. This happened in only 33 per cent of those on a lower dose of tPA alone. "The oscillating bubbles enable the tPA to reach binding sites in the clot," says Alexandrov.
However, there are still serious safety concerns. Two of the 11 people on the highest tPA dosage who also received ultrasound suffered a haemorrhage and died (Annals of NeurologyDOI: 10.1002/ana.21723). In these cases, it was unclear what caused the bleeding, though it is possible that collapsing bubbles could have damaged blood vessels. Alexandrov will be launching a new trial next year.
Until these concerns are answered, bubbles could instead be useful in cases where destruction is the goal. "Turn the ultrasound energy intensity up and the bubbles oscillate much more violently, and could actually break down blood clots, tumours and kidney stones," says Stride.
According to the bubble community, multi-purpose microbubbles have the potential to transform medicine. "Bubbles can be extremely useful in medical applications," says Stride. Holland agrees: "It's a hot area of research."

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